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Government of Manitoba
Land Initiative
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Land Projects

International Joint Commission Red River Valley Flood Project

In June 1997, the Government of Canada and the United States requested the International Joint Commission to examine and report on the causes and effects of damaging floods in the Red River basin and to recommend ways to reduce and prevent harm from future flooding.

Winnipeg School Division No. 1 and Inner City Migrancy Committee Project

To direct migrating families, within the Inner City District of Winnipeg School Division No. 1, to available, affordable and safe housing within the same inner city school boundaries to address the issue of children changing schools frequently and eliminating the negative effects on the children's education and well-being.

Mining Claims

With the introduction of the new graphical based presentation system for claim maps and compilation maps, the service to our customers in the exploration and mining industry has made a quantum leap.  Prospectors, geologists, mining company staff and other interested stakeholders will be able to access information on-line and if they have equipment available, from the comfort of their own homes.

Survey Indexes

The goal of the project is to replace all existing paper survey indexes and registers with a single point access system, to allow for the tracking of plans from the date of deposit through to registration and to provide for a link for online access to the plans of survey.


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